1. Get your ride into prime shape!

Many people hit the gym and work on getting “back” into shape for Spring! Whynot make the same changes to your vehicle? There are many easy things that you can do on your own to keep your vehicle running in top shape! Regular maintenance and tune-ups at the scheduled times will not only keep you running well for the new year but will give your vehicle and all of it’s parts a longer life! Make sure to consult your vehicle owners manual for regular oil change schedules, check-up/tune-up intervals and simple items like tire pressure, oil and fuel type. Always work with a trained and trustworthy
automotive professional to tune up your vehicle.

2. A clean car is NOT just to look nice! Looking “BUFF’ is good for your cars soul!

While we agree that it is always nice to drive a clean and shiny car, there is more than just visual appeal to having a clean car. Regular washing, buffing, and waxing will maintain and keep your cars paint and clear coat in good condition. This, in turn, keeps the road grime and weather to a minimum and will reduce long-term corrosion and rust spots. Keeping the inside clean is important too, carpet shampooing along with changing the air
filter! This can reduce internal allergens floating around in the cabin of your car and help you reduce airborne allergens and illnesses. This is especially important during our winter cold and flu season in Colorado.

3. Don’t drive angry, don’t drive angry (remember Groundhog Day?)

Maybe Yoga is or isn’t your thing personally, but here is a little car yoga exercise, and you don’t have to stand on your head. Relax behind the wheel. Aggressive driving is known to increase your fuel use by a significant amount; some say as much as 30%!!! Wow! Want to save 1/3 at the pump? Slowing down, giving yourself more time and planning your routes ahead of time are just a few of the many things you can do to save money and gas!

4. Check your tire pressure

Measure your tire pressure regularly, as this will keep your vehicle ride smoother and believe it or not, the right tire pressure will improve fuel economy. Your tires need more attention in the winter, cold temperatures decrease the air pressure in tires, which adds to the rolling resistance caused by snow and slush. Low tire pressure is what turns on the funky little light in the dash too (TPMS – Tire Pressure Monitoring System). This is a
safety feature and can let you know when you are running low, or are going flat.

These are just a few easy Spring Cleaning tips to your car or truck running longer, smoother, and looking beautiful into the Spring and Summertime!

From everyone here at McCloskey Motors, we hope you have a healthy, happy and safe Spring and Summertime!

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