Top Used Cars for Different Needs

Top Used Cars

Every driver is unique, and so are their needs. At McCloskey Motors, we understand these varied requirements and have curated a list of top-used cars suited for different needs.

Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas! With McCloskey Motors in Colorado Springs!

Valentine’s Day is a great time to show that special someone just how much you care! In this post, we are going to help outline some of the best gifts that you can give someone from right here at McCloskey Motors! 1. Auto Detailing! We all spend a lot of time in our vehicles; we […]

New Years Resloutions Ideas! From McCloskey Motors In Colorado Springs!

Christmas and Hanukkah are behind us and that means it is time to look forward to the new year! What are you going to change or fix this year? Need a little help figuring it out? Well, here are 5 of our favorite ideas for your resolutions. 1. Set aside an-hour-a-day to achieve your goals […]

5 Great Holiday Gift Ideas With McCloskey Motors In Colorado Springs!

The holiday season is in full swing after the weekend! It can be tough to think of good gift ideas for the car person in your family, so to make it easy here are our 5 favorite car based gift ideas!  1. Gift Certificates  A gift certificate is a great gift because it allows people […]

Happy Halloween From McCloskey Motors In Colorado Springs!

It is the day before Halloween and we hope you have an awesome night! Remember to be safe, stay warm, and of course, have fun!  Do you have a spooky trade you are trying to get rid of? Come see us at McCloskey Motors we have the $4000 for your trade promotion! And over 300 awesome […]

How To Make Car Buying Not Scary! From McCloskey Motors In Colorado Springs.

It’s no secret that people don’t enjoy car shopping! But in this blog, we are going to give you some tips on how to make car buying not scary, and dare we say enjoyable!  Come in prepared and informed The first hurdle in car shopping is deciding what car you are interested in, and what you plan […]

How To Make A Survival Kit For Your Car This Winter!

The winter is here!  The winter is here and that means the snow is coming! Are you prepared for all the possible situations you could encounter this winter? Well, it is always a good idea to have a survival kit in your car for the winter time! In this article, we are going to go […]

Did you see the McCloskey Motivational Minute for Monday? Catch it here!

Don’t miss the positive vibe we have here at McCloskey Motors! Today we are talking about your time! And how important your time is, you can replace money and other objects. But you can not replace your time, so be sure to use it wisely and be sure to watch the latest episode of the McCloskey Motivational Minute!  — […]

Tips For The Best Car Buying Experience Easter Weekend!

This year, Easter falls on the “eggs-act” right time of year this year! The end of the month is a great time to buy a car. Not only are most lenders more willing to make a great deal but so are most car dealers.  1. Do Some Research First of all, if you’re not sure […]