What To Expect When Buying A Vehicle From McCloskey Motors!

Buying a vehicle is one of the largest purchases a person makes in a lifetime next to buying a house. With that said, it can be a scary process full of surprises. In this blog, we will take the surprise out of the car buying process! We are going to lay out the 5 steps […]

Things To Know Before Buying Your Next Used Vehicle!

Buying a vehicle is something people only do when they have to! So, it can be hard to know how to or where to start the process. Below are great ways to start your vehicle buying journey and some tips to make is easy and hassle-free. 1. Set a reasonable budget When you start looking […]

Tips For The Best Car Buying Experience Easter Weekend!

This year, Easter falls on the “eggs-act” right time of year this year! The end of the month is a great time to buy a car. Not only are most lenders more willing to make a great deal but so are most car dealers.  1. Do Some Research First of all, if you’re not sure […]